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MVP ICON® Conductivity Probe

规格:BioControl, Sanitizer Concentration and PPM Monitoring for HACCP Management
包装规格:1 UNIT
41678641 UNIT3990
General description【一般描述】
The MVP ICON Conductivity Probe is designed for general purpose measurements of Conductivity (μS/cm), Concentration (ppm), and Temperature (℃ or °F) in water-based liquids.
Accurately measuring cleaner and sanitizer concentrations, as parts-per-million (ppm), ensures correct mixing of chemicals prior to application. Excessively high concentrations of these chemicals can result in damaged equipment and thousands of dollars of unnecessary chemical costs. Precise concentration readings ensure chemical solutions are mixed correctly, so they clean and sanitize effectively. Measuring both process controls and CIP rinse water cleanliness provides increased adherence to hygiene and HACCP requirements.
Features and Benefits【特点和优势】
Reduce Sanitation Chemical Costs
The MVP ICON Conductivity Probe can accurately measure cleaner and sanitizer concentrations as parts-per-million (ppm), ensuring correct mixing of chemicals prior to application. Excessively high concentrations of these chemicals can result in damaged equipment and thousands of dollars of unnecessary chemical costs. Precise concentration readings ensure chemical solutions are mixed correctly, so they clean and sanitize effectively.

Water Quality Monitoring
The MVP ICON Conductivity Probe measures both process controls and CIP rinse water cleanliness, providing increased adherence to hygiene and HACCP requirements. The probe is safe for food industry use, reusable and requires little maintenance.

Fast and Easy Reporting
The MVP ICON Conductivity Probe measures conductivity, concentration, and temperature simultaneously, saving time and labor. Results are automatically recorded in the MVP ICON database for quick upload to PC, eliminating manual record keeping.
One MVP ICON Conductivity Probe
The Conductivity Probe uses a 4-graphite electrode cell design (K=0.45) with a 1 cm cell length featuring a thermistor to provide temperature readings, ranging from 0 – 80 ℃, with automatic temperature compensation. Solid-state componentry built into the MVP ICON instrument controls this sensing element.
Testing Method【测试方法】
System Requirements【系统要求】
  • Windows 7 or Windows 10
  • Minimum memory requirement 512 MB; recommend at least 1GB or more of RAM
  • At least 16 GB of hard disk space
  • WXGA video resolution of 1280 x 800 or better
  • Mouse or other pointing device
  • One available USB port
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader or similar PDF Viewer
  • Printer (optional)
Legal Information【法律信息】
MVP ICON is a registered trademark of BioControl Systems, Inc.
pkg of 1 unit
BioControl Systems 78089-00
storage condition【储存条件】
room temperature (Clean probe thoroughly with water and a mild detergent solution. Rinse with deionized water. Store probe in original packaging when not in use.)
food and beverages
Any other combination might cause loss of performance or irreversible damage to both probe and instrument. Use of the MVP ICON Dashboard software is required for PPM measurements.
Food Processing, HACCP Monitoring, Sanitation
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